The Fallen Dragon Lord and The Falling Witch Kingdom

Cover of Fallen Dragon Lord and Falling of Witch Kingdom vol 1

Author : Maisaka Kou (舞阪洸)

Illustration : Youta (よう太)

Publisher : Kadokawa Media Factory Bunko

What theme can you find here? Isekai, Warfare, History

Status : Completed (vol 01-11)

Intro to the Story

A young man from the State War Period of Japan visited a lake along with his soldiers. But then suddenly, the water was as if pulling him into the water and then he found himself falling from the sky and landed into a another world, at least this is not the country he came from. Different language, different people race, different building and culture. When the young man fell from the sky, it seems that it inflicted quite an impact to his head and caused him not be able to remember who or what he was but he vaguely remember about his country.

H : So, who are you?

N : Me? I am………err…Sorry, it seems that I cannot remember who am I or what am I. Wait! I think it’s………. Naga, yeah, I remember Naga is a part of my name.

H : (Naga? The Dragon Lord? is this man serious? or is he just crazy?)

N : Oh well. Who am I is not a big concern right now. Let’s just move on, alright.

The Fallen Dragon Lord and The Falling Witch Kingdom light novel vol 1

The woman who has taken care of him after he fell into this world is the “Black Raven Witch” Harigan, a chieftain of the Harigan witch clan. She and her clan members (she referred them as “daughters”) provided shelter for him to spend the night and shared their foods also, and they told him many information concerning this world without asking for any compensation. Later, Naga learned that the witches and humans have been fighting since about 4oo years ago. Although the witches have great powers but they cannot win against powers of numbers. The witches’ repeat of loss caused them to flee to the Black Woods, in the south-west of the continent. Only the major clan managed to live a secluded life from the humans in this woods. But, it’s only a matter of time because the nearest human country, Casandra Kingdom have been aggressive to attack the Black woods lately. And unfortunately, witches usually have strong bond towards the same clan members but they don’t have strong affection towards outsiders, which is also another reason why the witches has lost to humans. Naga was lucky that he fell to Harigan territory because Harigan is a kind witch to have taken care of him despite he is a human and a complete stranger therefore he just cannot let them face trouble by themselves. But how? he does not yet understand the way war is carried out in this world. So when he heard the Casandra Army came attacking the Black Woods, he decided to observe closely how the witches fought and how does the human army fought. It was a small scale war where the human army only deployed one platoon but for Naga it was enough for him to understand what does the witch is capable of and what they are lacking. Usually, the Casandra Army will retreat after their Platoon got strike back, but this time, they received words from Yuuki, one of the Harigan’s witch, that there are at least 2.000 human army is stationed at the fortress near the Black Woods. Harigan clan faced a critical situation. They have no experience of how to strike back an army with that number. And that is where Naga stepped in.

“You’ve provided me a place to stay and also food to eat. I owe you that much so let me return the favor by helping you winning this war. But, you need to know that an end of a battle means a beginning of another one. You might face endless battles from today forth and for me, the goal of this war is not by defeating Casandra Kingdom. I am aiming to create a world where witches and humans can live together peacefully”

The Fallen Dragon Lord and The Falling Witch Kingdom light novel vol 2

Thus the beginning of his story to save the witch from the brink of annihilation.

What is interesting about this series?

1) The MC who has no OP blessing yet is still OP

From my opinion, the most interesting factor in reading this series is none other than the role of the main character, Naga it self. Naga is an isekai MC, which most of them usually received blessing (the japanese usually called them “cheat”) in form of ability, status or items. But not Naga, Naga is a normal guy who can died just by receiving a stab of a knife. BUT, even without any kind of so-called blessing, Naga is still an OP character with only his knowledge, experiences, and sense.

Using his war knowledge and experience, He led the Harigan clan, with a mere total of 20 witches, to strike back the 2.000 troops of Casandra Kingdom. He does not only come up with the battle strategy but he also thinks of the grand plan such as “we should attack this fortress” or “we should take over this town first in order to gain advantage” etc.

Using his sense of trading, he managed to negotiate against merchant in human towns to make them acknowledge Witches as their business partner and established the first trading route that connects humans and witches.

Using his experiences of governance, he teaches the witch on how to implement “good governance” in the human town because he wants the witches to approach the humans so Naga doesn’t want to rule instead he wanted the witches to stand up for the job. Not just winning the people heart but also how to develop the economy.

And this all makes sense to me because if Naga is a nobody or a mere high-schooler or a mere employee of a company, he cannot manage to do those feats. But because he is a person came from the history book (wait, did I just spoil something), it does make sense. And he has never be over-confident with his knowledge, he never forgets gathering information within the town or fortress etc. He maybe don’t wield a holy sword and blast large-scale explosion, nor he don’t have multi-skill-buffing shield, but to me he is a SSSR Character if I hit the gacha.

2) It’s like watching the cooking show on the TV

As I have mentioned above, Naga has a last goal to build a world where humans and witches can live side by side peacefully. And to reach that goal, it doesn’t mean all battle should be won by killing all the enemy. Sometimes, he has only have to capture a fortress without killing any enemy units inside… (wait, is that possible?) Well, of course! Our boy, Naga did it! He always comes up with the best strategy and places the suitable witch for the mission each time. For me, it’s like me when I’m watching those cooking program by great chef in the tv, “I know all the materials but I didn’t know we can cook it THAT way! wow!” We also know beforehand what are the witches can do with their powers but Naga always used them in a unique way (or maybe I’m just stupid). And when the plan succeed, it’s like those chef wrapping up their show with a “Bon Appetite”.

3) Comedy Slap-Stick

This one is depending on the readers’ taste. I personally like slap-stick comedy (or in japanese, similar to boketsukkomi) but maybe you don’t. I personally sometimes think this comedy isn’t appropriate in some scenes, such as: in the middle of the military briefing. because this kind of jokes will kill the tension or serious mood. If you’re confused, try read or watch “gintama”. Then, you’ll understand what kind of comedy I mean.

4) It’s Not Harem

“RO, I googled this title and see the covers are full of girls girls and gurrlllzz. So it’s gotta be harem” or so many of you would think of that way. After reading this series, I’ve been sorting out my thoughts on the definition of “Harem” and I concluded that even if there are multiple female character is intimate with the mc but as long as they don’t show affection to the degree of “love” or “I wanna have s*x with you”, I will define it as a not harem. And I assure you that most of the witches in this series sees Naga not as a opposite sex but as before:

  • Savior
  • Boss
  • M’Lord
  • Teacher
  • Strategist
  • Friend
  • Father

And from my POV, the author clearly made a definite line of which witch who “likes” him and who “loves” him. “But, Naga is a pervert guy. Ain’t he will hit all the witches?” yes, I know that but Naga interact with the girls in a very fair way. What I mean is that Naga is not wishy washy or introvert yet lady-killer or that all-off-you-are-my-friend type of guy. He doesn’t fall in love to either of the girls. “Is he a gay,then?” No! he often made fun of the girls by asking them “if you insist, I will welcome you in my bed”, or “I didn’t know you’re so eager to show your naked body to me” or the “mellon-grabbing incident” (god, this guy is perverted to the core…). But he does that to all the witches and they will criticize him “Naga-san, you’re a great guy but unfortunately you’re sadly perverted to a point we cannot save you” etc. Does he do that on purpose? I don’t know. The author doesn’t tell specifically what does Naga feel about the girls other than inner-side impression like”she’s smart” “she’s strong” “her joke is hard to understand” “cool power. We can use it for the next battle…” etc or straight to the outer-appearance like “whoa, their outfit is so sexy” or “don’t they feel ashamed wearing those thongs?” or “I’ve never seen such a great t*ts before”. So once again I assure you, It’s not harem.


If you like an brain not brawn type of MC, then I recommend you to read this.

If you like an open pervert MC, then you should read this.

If you–, Just read this.


Other Media

Naga has a manga adaptation by Muramatsu Mayu (村松麻由) released by Kadokawa MF Comics, Flapper series. But it stopped at vol. 04, which means the manga only reached the story in light novel vol.02. Personally, I don’t say Mayu’s artwork is bad but I just don’t think he/she isn’t good enough to express action or war scene as good as he draws sexy female characters. Very unfortunate.

Naga also got a Drama CD released on 2015. The MC Naga role is voiced by Shimazaki Nobunaga (Parasyte : Shinichi Izumi) (Is this a coincidence?).


Light Novel :

Manga :

Drama CD :

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